Friday, March 11, 2016

The Government's leash on innovation

John Stossel recently published an article that literally had me award him a standing ovation after I finished his reading his work. The article speaks about our Government pinning and strangling inovation with its bare hands. I believe practically anyone with interest in current events can read this article and be extremely entertained all the way through. 

John mentions how the government constantly invests time and money into robots, radar guns, etc. but when the public use the same inovative technology the government is eager to put rules into place before things get "out of control". I applaud John for this following statement "Every time there’s a new invention, some people lose jobs, and there’s a period of adjustment. But we come out ahead.You don’t believe employment recovers? Remember that 200 years ago, 90 percent of Americans worked on farms. Now fewer than 2 percent do. But that doesn’t mean that 90 percent of the population has been left unemployed." clearly innovative work progresses every aspect of human nature. Of course new innovative solutions maybe difficult to adjust to at first but what isnt!? New equipment/ways can be hard to adapt to but more often than not once you configure the matter out and understand how helpful, convenient, effective it is you tend to abuse the use of it because the item can be that good! I encourage all readers to check out Stossel's "Why is our government so determined to strangle innovation?" ( ) it will open your eyes to the government abusive power in regards to America pushing forward. Imagine what America could become with no restrictions to postive innovation.

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