Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Silly Trump

For several decades now immigration has been a ongoing problem in America, now with that being said, many have had proposal's to diminish immigration at whole. A new proposal recently became public that got an exponential amount of media attention, and who better to do so than Donald Trump. Ah, Donald Trump sadly today's man of the hour, some people love him, most people hate him and quite frankly i'm still left thinking how could you love that guy? Trump's proposal of immigration reformity to this day is the stupidest piece of material I have ever read. If you haven't read his plan here is a quick little recap, have you ever seen a child's writing homework? If so you know it's merely just a piece of paper with doodles and has no literature that actually makes sense, yea that's what Donald's plan looks like. He states that Mexico will pay for the Southern wall because they have "cheated us" and owe America money. Well sadly that isnt how anything works, you cant just throw unwanted items at people and expect them to pay for it. Trump also mentions that illegal aliens have commited tragic crimes to american citizens, now while that might be true has he not recognized the fact that american citizens commit unlawful crimes against each other. According to Trump's Immigration reform article Immigrators have been invloved in tens of thousands of rape, homicide and violent beating crimes if that is true, at most that could only account for a fraction of the same crimes, in 2014 the FBI released information stating there were over 1.1 million violent crimes ( Murder, aggrevated assaut, rape etc.) reported by law enforcement. Trump's wall has also skyrocketed in cost, he first claimed he could build the wall for 4 billion which soon rose to 25 billion after calculations were made. Not to mention that maintenence cost will exceed initial costs in just 7 years. The current Mexico Treasurer Secretary also said "Mexico under no circumstance, is going to pay for the wall Mr. Trump is proposing". Now lets talk about how effective the wall would actually be. Trump says the wall will continue to grow if Mexico doesn't agree to pay for it, increasing the size to only creates a market for a larger ladder. Trump also on live television stated "there is no ladder going over that, if they ever get up there they're in trouble cause there is no way to get down, maybe a rope" yes exactly, maybe a rope. Trump stumbled his way into a key realization that his wall proposal could be defeated by one of mankinds first inventions, a rope! 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what classmate has said, and other than Southern wall plan, Trump also said mistakenly or intentionally about another foreign nations. For example, South Korea, he had said on and off about U.S. army helping to protect South Korea against North Korea, "We have 25,000 soldiers over there protecting them. They don't pay us. Why don't they pay us?". In fact, $700 million has been paid for personnel, logistics, and construction costs. "We get practically nothing compared to the cost.", I do not know what exactly he wants out of stationing the military, if he is talking about benefits and salaries for the troops or their equipment. What is certain is that the U.S. also benefits from strategic level to keep east coast a balance to keep an army. Also, the U.S. army protects the countries that buy U.S. products. Trump's absurd remarks makes the other nations laugh at him while he says nothing about truth, facts, and their logical reasons.
