Saturday, February 13, 2016

Hillary's Secret Files

I recently read an article from the NYtimes titled "More Hillary Clinton emails released, including 3 now "secret"" and it sincerely grabbed my attention. The article was about a batch of Hillary Clintons emails be released by the State Department, with some of the emails being "Secret" it brought some concerns to the public. There were 81 other emails classified as "confidential" these emails included a chain of messages forwarding an article from The Telegraph, a newspaper in Britain, detailing remarks from John Sawers, then the chief of that country’s intelligence service, MI6, about efforts to foil Iran’s nuclear weapons program. "Most unfortunate on many levels to say the least,” the State Department’s chief negotiator on Iran’s program, Wendy R. Sherman, wrote in remarks that were not redacted. Mrs. Clinton replied to the last forward, “Gobsmacking!” The state department has been consistently releasing this information under the Freedom of Information Act. The public has been stressing about these classified emails due to the fact that they are so uninformed and worried about what the emails could contain. I personally do not feel comfortable voting for someone that is hiding such classified information from the public.

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