Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Prop 1

This editorial is in response to Carolina Gomez's blog titled "We need Uber and Lyft". Me and many other residents have been left in a major dilemma with the recent events of the removal of Uber and Lyft in Austin, Tx. Uber and Lyft were most prestigious and innovative resource introduced to the public in the last decade, no questions asked. These flawless applications gave people the opportunity to receive a safe ride home with the click of a button.

Many residents of Austin, Tx are free of a vehicle wether it being the fact that the Austin streets can inject anxiety into a drivers bloodstream in the blink of an eye or just the inability to afford a car, many people are not presented with ability to drive themselves, Uber and Lyft gave them that option. These perfectly constructed applications also kept people from drinking and driving, well now you might say taxis do the same and how that might be true Uber and Lyft did it a whole lot better. The problem with taxis is they are flat out unreliable, every personal experience I've had with Taxis left me questioning ever using one again. Taxi's more often than not do not show up on time or even show up for that matter, I say this because in the last 2 weeks I've called for 5 Taxi's and had only 1 actually show up. Over my numerous encounters with Uber I have never had 1 problem. Uber and Lyft allowed you spectate the driver while on route, this was extremely beneficial because it gave you the time upon arrival and option to contact the driver if needed. Uber and Lyft drivers were easy to contact if anything was ever left in their car after being transported, might I add that they were significantly cheaper to the consumer.

These applications have kept people from drinking and driving, they have efficiently and conveniently transported people, you now know why we need Uber an Lyft to return to Austin, Tx let's make it happen.

The Next President

It's been an underwhelming yet overwhelming election if you ask me, wether it's the childish like behavior performed by Trump or the outlandish contradicting statements by Hillary, it all amuses with disgust. It's quite terrifying that one of these candidates will soon run our country, I for one will not be voting this election. People continue to ask me how I could go without voting, well its simple, you see voting is defined as the formal indication of choice, CHOICE. Voting is strictly acted on personal opinion, it's quite saddening that my first opportunity legally eligible to vote I will not be participating due to no personal attraction to candidates. Each and every previous election I have had interest in a candidate wether it being the honesty in their voice or their personal plan to better our country, this year I sadly do not feel the same way. 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Would It really help the economy?

This blog post is for the sole purpose of arguing against Carolina Gomez blog titled "Legalized weed helps the economy"(  I have some arguments with some of the statements made in this blog, for starters she states "Marijuana is use as medicine to help treat and prevent illnesses" well that's not quite right is it? You see medicinal marijuana in no legitimate way cures illnesses nor treats them for that matter. Medicinal marijuana can be used by a patient in numerous circumstances but generally speaking the consumer typically resorts to medical marijuana as a pain reliever, of course there are other benefits such as a sleeping aid, muscle relaxant etc. but what is similar in all of these cases is the fact that there is no treatment to the illness itself, the herb is simply nothing more than a small distraction. Another problem with marijuana being legalized is that with this gateway drug being legal children would come to conclusion that this nationally accepted drug is a positive substance its just a matter of being the legal age to consume it. You may think this is not a big deal but in reality when we make marijuana an easily acquirable item it will inevitably be consumed by minors, yes of course there will be ID verification when purchasing but just like alcohol and tobacco there are many other ways to go about getting passed this "impossible age verification step". What we also have to worry about is we will be opening the doors of access to distribution, if America believes there won't be scumbags purchasing marijuana from dispensaries and reselling to minors or the general public then I worry for this country. She states that we will close down the drug cartels by legalizing weed in america, well sadly thats completely incorrect because the cartels do distribute marijuana to the US they are also the MAIN distributers of cocaine, multiple methamphetamine's, heroin etc. With marijuana being legal we would create our own miniature cartels ran by our fellow americans here in the US. Not to mention how many violent and even deadly crimes are related to marijuana each and every year, do we also believe that legalizing marijuana will stop the crimes and murders involved with marijuana, NO it will not, if anything it could potentially amplify the situation due to the fact that there will be mass production nationwide.